Vital power berries
Berries render free radicals. Make sure you take advantage of the variety of berries now and take active preventive health care in a tasty way.

Berries render free radicals. Make sure you take advantage of the variety of berries now and take active preventive health care in a tasty way. Because these tasty little fruits contain much more than just summer refreshment: the pigments that give them their blue or red color belong chemically to the group of polyphenols and are among the most effective radical scavengers. First and foremost, anthocyanins protect your body cells from attack by harmful oxygen radicals.
Thus they act preventively against:
- Cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis and stroke.
- Parkinson's disease
- Alzheimer's disease
- cancers of the intestine and esophagus
But it's not just the anthocyanins that make berries so valuable for your health. In addition, the little fruits contain plenty of flavonoids and OPC's (oligomeric procyanidins), which also belong to the secondary plant substances. Although you can now buy a whole range of dietary supplements containing these active ingredients - experts at the Federal Research Institute for Nutrition and Food in Karlsruhe, Germany, do not consider them to be as effective. They believe that no pill can have the same health effect as the combination of vital substances contained in fresh berries.
Our local berries provide you with these vital substances:
- Raspberries: Vitamin C, potassium, magnesium, iron, flavonoids.
- Currants: Vitamin C, potassium, phosphorus, anthocyanins, pectin.
- Blueberries: Beta-carotene, iron, potassium, pectin, anthocyanins
- Cranberries: Vitamin A, C, beta-carotene, iron, magnesium, potassium.
- Blackberries: Iron, calcium, falvonoids